Thursday, January 8, 2009


For those students in grades 9-11 who are planning on taking the ACT soon, you need the following information. The University of Alabama is going to require the Writing component of the ACT beginning with the summer and fall 2010 entering freshmen. In addition, for these students, there will be no paper application packet; application will be made online. See Ms. Knight if you have any questions.

Yearbook needs BEST FRIENDS pictures - one picture from when you first became friends and one present picture - deadline is Jan. 9 - turn in to Mrs. Wilson, room 301.

JUNIORS: Student Leaders in Service is a week-long residential program for students who will be seniors in the 2009-2010 academic school year, sponsored by Birmingham Southern College. The Program exposes juniors to leadership theories and provides opportunities to practice leadership through community service, while also giving them a taste of college life. The Program will include the following activities. Eligible students must have a 2.25 or higher GPA and a 21 ACT or 980 SAT to be accepted. The cost is $450 for food, lodging, entertainment, transportation, and reading materials. If you are interested, see Ms. Knight


If you are interested in the Chemical Engineering program at Auburn University and possibly a scholarship in this field, see Ms. Knight immediately.

The GATES MILLENNIUM SCHOLARS PROGRAM SCHOLARSHIP is available to any student who is a member of a minority group. The student must have at least a 4.4 GPA and meet Pell Grant eligibility (financial need). The scholarship application must be submitted online at APPLICATION DEADLINE IS JANUARY 12, 2009.

The BEST BUY SCHOLARSHIP requires good grades and outstanding community service. Applications will be available online in January 2009. Be sure to look for the deadline! Apply at