Monday, October 27, 2008

Announcements for 10-27-08

(ALL 9th-12th)

Money should be collected during 1st period everyday this week. The 1st period that raises the most money wins a biscuit breakfast. Teachers, you can turn your money in daily or by 3rd period Friday. I will post teachers name and amounts as they are turned in to keep you updated. We are encouraging everygone to wear PINK on Wednesday. Mrs. Parris

Boys Basketball Parent Meeting will be Tuesday October 28th at 7:30 in the lunch-room. All players need to attend with their parents.

Girls Basketball Parent Meeting will be Tuesday, October 28th, at 7:00 in the Sports Arena. All players need to attend with their parents.FTA members need to have their fees turned in by next Friday, Oct 31st Halloween. Mrs. Chandler

Subject: Prudential Spirit of Community Awards: Teachers, we have received information about an award for students who have made a difference in our community by volunteering their service during the past year. Any student can enter by going online and completing the application. Please mention this to your students and if any are interested in applying for the award they can follow the directions below. There are school winners, then state winners, then national winners. They can win from $1000 to $5000 dollars, medallions, trophies, and a trip to Washington DC. All the information can be found on their web-site. Visit or , click on the application link, and follow the on-screen instructions. When asked for the access key, type the word “spirit”. If they don’t have internet access, they can call 1-877-525-8491 to get a paper application form.
Once you have completed the online application, print it out, sign it, and have your parent sign it.
Bring your application to Mr. Haynes in the guidance office. The deadline for turning these in is October 31, 2008. Students need to be sure that they can prove the required number of hours that they have given through volunteer service. We will have a local winner, and two runners-up (if we have the applicants). Please encourage your students to take advantage of this opportunity. It would really look good on their resume if they won!

(OHS 10th-12th)
JUNIORS: Student Leaders in Service is a week-long residential program for students who will be seniors in the 2009-2010 academic school year, sponsored by Birmingham Southern College. The Program exposes juniors to leadership theories and provides opportunities to practice leadership through community service, while also giving them a taste of college life. The Program will include the following activities. Eligible students must have a 2.25 or higher GPA and a 21 ACT or 980 SAT to be accepted. The cost is $450 for food, lodging, entertainment, transportation, and reading materials. If you are interested, see Ms. Knight

The new “Guidance News” blog has been set up. To find it, go to the Oxford System website (; look under “School,” and go to Oxford High School; look under “Highlights,” and you will find the link to the blog; click this, and it will take you to the blog. There, you will find the information that I am receiving about scholarships, financial aid, college admissions, college fairs, etc. Check it out for some very important information. You must stay on top of college admissions and scholarship deadlines!!! See Ms. Knight if you have any questions.

If you are interested in the Chemical Engineering program at Auburn University and possibly a scholarship in this field, see Ms. Knight immediately.

The HORATIO ALGER ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP is available for any student who needs financial assistance to attend college. The student must exhibit integrity and perseverance in overcoming personal adversity and must have the character to succeed in life. A 2.0 GPA is required. Apply online at Apply online at APPLICATION DEADLINE IS OCTOBER 30, 2008!

SENIORS ONLY - deadline for yearbook - Oct. 31 - turn in to Mrs. Wilson, Room 301
Baby Picture --------------- Senior Quote ------------- Casual Shot - $3 ------------- Senior Ad - 1/2 page $90, full page $150

The COCA-COLA SCHOLARS PROGRAM SCHOLARSHIP awards 50 four-year $20,000 scholarships and 200 four-year $10,000 scholarships for use at accredited colleges and universities across the U.S. Students must exhibit leadership and excellence in academic achievement and extracurricular activities, including community service. It requires a minimum 3.0 GPA at the end of the junior year. The application will be available online in mid-August. Apply online at APPLICATION DEADLINE IS OCTOBER 31, 2008.
JUNIORS and SENIORS: UAB is hosting two “Preview Days” for juniors and seniors and their parents called “UAB Day.” The last UAB Day is Saturday, November 1, 2008, at Bartow Arena. UAB Day is designed for students and their parents and will inform students of the exciting advantages and innovative opportunities available at UAB. You will have the opportunity to participate in a student-guided tour, meet outstanding faculty, and talk with current students. You will also receive information on admissions, financial aid, scholarships, academic programs, housing, student life activities, and much more.To make a reservation or for more information, visit, or call 205-934-9098, or 1-800-421-8742.
The priority deadline for scholarship application to UAB is NOVEMBER 1st!!! Apply early, because scholarships are awarded on a first come-first served basis, as funds are available.
Angela Walker with Gadsden State Community College’s “Educational Talent Search” Program will meet with students during fifth period in the cafeteria on the following dates for first semester: --------WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH------------ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3RD

The NFIB YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR AWARDS SCHOLARSHIP is available to students who plan to attend an accredited, non-profit, four or two-year college or technical school. The student must demonstrate entrepreneurial spirit and initiative, such as starting a business and participating in school organizations such as FBLA. Work experience and community-service endeavors are considered. The awards range from $1,000 to $10,000. Apply online at APPLICATION DEADLINE IS DECEMBER 15, 2008.

JSU’s ARMY ROTC SCHOLARSHIP is a four-year scholarship through JSU’s ROTC program. It includes full tuition and fees for four years, plus extra money for room, board, and books. The student must be a U.S. citizen between the ages of 17 and 26. It requires a 2.5 GPA or higher with a minimum 19 ACT score. The applicant must meet physical standards and agree to accept a commission and serve in the Army on Active Duty or in a Reserve Component (U.S. Army Reserve or Army National Guard). Applications are available online in mid-September. Apply at APPLICATION DEADLINE IS JANUARY 1, 2009.

The LINLY HEFLIN SCHOLARSHIP for $2,500 is available to a limited number of Alabama women who plan to attend a four-year Alabama college. The applicant must have a good academic record and significant economic need. Go to to apply. APPLICATION DEADLINE IS January 1, 2009.

The applications for the J. Craig and Page T. Smith First in Family and other scholarships are now available online at, or you may pick up an application in Ms. Knight’s office. Application deadline: January 1, 2009!

The GATES MILLENNIUM SCHOLARS PROGRAM SCHOLARSHIP is available to any student who is a member of a minority group. The student must have at least a 4.4 GPA and meet Pell Grant eligibility (financial need). The scholarship application must be submitted online at APPLICATION DEADLINE IS JANUARY 12, 2009.
The BEST BUY SCHOLARSHIP requires good grades and outstanding community service. Applications will be available online in January 2009. Be sure to look for the deadline! Apply at

HARVARD UNIVERSITY’S FINANCIAL AID INITIATIVE provides the opportunity for honor students from low-income families earning less than $60,000 a year to attend Harvard without paying any tuition. Call the Harvard College Financial Aid Office at 617-495-1581. For further information, go to
The Optimist International Essay Contest is open to students who are under the age of 19 as of December 31st of the 2008-2009 school year. To be considered for this scholarship, you will have to write a 400-500-word essay on the following topic, “Today’s Choices Shape My Future.” Submit the essay to your local Optimist Club. For further information, go to

(Academy 9th)
Upward Bound is a program designed to provide academic support, counseling, tutoring, career mentoring, and cultural experiences for first generation college students. Classes meet two Saturdays a month during the school year, and there is a six-week program in the summer where students stay on Jacksonville State University's campus and participate in a variety of campus activities. If you are interested in Upward Bound, please see Mrs. Holladay to get an application.